Coreógrafa, profesora y bailarina, actualmente residente en Madrid.
Nacida en Alemania, de raíces polacas, comienza sus estudios de danza con 10 años. En 2002 se gradúa con una licenciatura en Danza por la Escuela Superior Palucca Hochschule für Tanz Dresden (Alemania) y decide trasladarse a Madrid con una Beca del DAAD para continuar sus estudios y profundizar su experiencia como bailarina y coreógrafa.
Desde su llegada a Madrid compagina su labor como coreógrafa y bailarina con la de docente; muy pronto comienza a impartir clases en España y mas adelante talleres en Alemania, Francia, Suiza e Ucrania. Ha sido profesora invitada en Studio Harmonic Paris (Francia), Marameo Berlin (Alemania), Base Studios London (Inglaterra) entre otros. En 2003 inicia su trayectoria pedagógica e artística en el Centro de Danza Karen Taft donde forma parte del staff durante trece años.
Ha realizado colaboraciones como bailarina y coreógrafa en eventos y video producciones (Beatriz Abad, Tiffany´s, Got a Talent Tv, 3threeEvents, Zinc Shower Madrid).
Continua su formación en centros prestigiosos de Danza en Madrid, Barcelona, Nueva York, Paris, Ámsterdam, Berlín y Tel Aviv.
Bárbara es fundadora y coreógrafa de Barbara Fritsche Dance Project, proyecto artístico y emergente que consiste en la colaboración de diferentes artistas de danza e otras artes escénicas. Su ultima creación “Heart_Beats” live performance fue presentada en 2022 en el Hostal Bastardo Madrid.
Actualmente trabaja como coreógrafa en varios proyectos artísticos así como profesora en Madrid (Danza 180, Escuela caraB, The Place Dance Studio Madrid, Elephant in the Black Box) y otras ciudades de Europa.
Freelance contemporary dancer and choreographer, based in Madrid, Spain.
Born in Germany, with Polish roots, she began her dance studies at the age of 10. Graduated in Dance at Palucca Schule Dresden - Hochschule für Tanz in 2002 and as a beneficiary of scholarship from DAAD (German academic exchange program) she decided to move to Spain and to explore spanish dance culture and deepen her experience as a multicultural dance artist. Since her arrival in Madrid, she has combined her work as a choreographer and dancer with that of a teacher; very soon he began to teach in Spain and later to give workshops in Germany, France, Switzerland and Ukraine. She has been invited as guest teacher at Studio Harmonic Paris (France), Marameo Berlin (Germany), Base Studios London (England) among others. In 2003 he began his pedagogical and artistic career at Centro de Danza Karen Taft where he was part of the staff for thirteen years. She has collaborated as a dancer and choreographer in events and video productions (Beatriz Abad, Tiffany's, Got a Talent Tv, 3threeEvents, Zinc Shower Madrid). She continues her training in prestigious dance centers in Madrid, Barcelona, New York, Paris, Amsterdam, Berlin and Tel Aviv.
Barbara is founder and choreographer of the independent dance project Barbara Fritsche Dance Project which incorporates contemporary dance, performing & visual arts. Her latest creations were with Elephant in the Black Box Junior Company “Candy Crush” @Centro Cultural Paco Rabal, Madrid and "Hot Room" @Bastardo Madrid.
Since 2022 she is the artistic director of Dance Impro Space and the Off Stage Dance Festival at Bastardo Hostel.
She currently works as a choreographer in various artistic projects as well as a teacher and guest teacher in Madrid (Dance 180, Elephant in the Black Box Junior Company, Escuela caraB, The Place Dance Studio Madrid, Africa Guzman Dance Project) and other cities in Europe.